About This Blog

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This blog is the second iteration of my blog. The first one was a WordPress site hosted on GoDaddy using a version of PHP that was many versions too old, a super heavy theme, and an extremely complex block based layout generator.

This second iteration is a completely static site generated by Hugo.

I’ve created a custom theme for this blog, which you can find here. Except for a small bundle for Cloudflare Web Analytics, this site uses no client-side scripting.


This blog is served by Cloudflare Pages, using their built-in Hugo integration. In particular, I use their integration with GitHub, where they subscribe to the main branch of a dedicated blog repository. So, when I push to main, Cloudflare will react by pulling down my changes and re-building and re-deploying the site. In practice, this takes less than a minute, sometimes less than 30 seconds.

If you want to explore the source code of this blog you can find it here.